Monday, July 11, 2011

How to make Alpha shoes & boots in a few easy steps ;)

With the new viewers now allowing you to create Alpha layers, there is no longer a need for Invisable prims on your shoes & boots, but How on earth do you do those? Well that was a question I asked in the forums this week & as usual the InWorldz Residents replied with the answers... Here it is easily explained by one Resident...

 Post subject: Re: Creating the alpha layers for shoes... htf?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:06 pm 
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Joined: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:29 am
Posts: 73
Thank you Quadropop for that explanation, it did ring a bell to me how to do it :-)
for those who are still in the dark I will give a small guide how to make a Alpha shoe layer.
So we are going to let disappear the feet and ankles.
I use Photoshop but this would be almost the same for other programs

1. open the Bottom Template in Photoshop
if you don't have them upload here :

2.make the left side except the sole and the upperfoot black, many ways to do that, with brush, select , lasso (see picture)

3. uncheck all the templates, like color stripes, uv vector you keep only black and white in the square of the template. this as a PNG file at 512x512

5. upload this Alpha shoe layer InWorldz as an image

6. go in appearance with your avatar
7. select Alpha at the bottom of Body parts
8.'Create new Alpha' and wear it automatically
9. tick 'Lower Alpha' after a few seconds your legs will disappear and become black, no worries :-)
10.hover with your mouse in the white square (to get popup menu)
11.look for your shoe Alpha layer you uploaded, click it and select
12. 'save as' your Alpha layer and give it a name
13. go out of appearance and wait a few seconds for your feet to disappear (this is if you said yes to wear immediatly otherwise look in your inventory for it and wear)

so if you want to make boots you leave the lowerlegs blank (no black)

everything is simple once you know it ! :wink:

edit :oeps didn't see the request of BCollazo the post just rolled on the Forum while I was not done with mine :-)

edit : note the Alpha layer is not supported by all viewers (I think), this tutorial was made with the InWorldz Viewer

Making Alpha shoe layer.JPG
Making Alpha shoe layer.JPG [ 20 KiB | Viewed 182 times ]

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A Creators Dream

I Love to Create, fashions mainly, but I also love to build & Building is a dream in a Virtual World like InWorldz
I began creating in Secondlife when I 1st found Virtual Worlds in 2006 I have always designed Clothing for Avatars since then, but it was hard learning how to do it back then as not much information was around. I mainly learnt through trial & error! Before I learnt how to make my own flexi skirts I used to use the many Full perms ones that were floating around SL back then, but what joy it is to be able to actually create your own... I never used a script to create them as i didnt know then that there was one lol. Now I always create my own as that is what i am used to doing. Since InWorldz has grown so much in the 2yrs + I have been there.. I have seen a lot of Fashion Creators come in who simply couldnt live without their skirtmakers, I had one that had been given to me by a friend who used them & i passed that onto many new residents who came to create but needed their skirtmakers... the Looprezzer I believe it makes the prims to the size you want then produces a full skirt for you by the click of a button. I tried the shoe maker once in SL... Loved it because it taught me a lot & thats how I learnt to create shoes, but it is so much more satisfying to just create them yourself without these aides & there are a few of us still around who do just that ;)

If your wishing to know How... then I will put as much as i can do into this blog so you can learn How!

until then bye for now
Rosa ;)

PS: Any Resident who would like to post a tutorial here... please contact me InWorldz Rosa Dagostino & i will add it for you ;)